Water Heater Maintenance/Flush

Client Satisfaction Guaranteed

#1 For Water Heater Maintenance in Mankato, MN

Keep your water heater running efficiently! Call 507-443-3427 for expert maintenance.

(507) 625-7162

Get In Touch

Your water heater is essential for your family's comfort and hygiene. Without it, your showers and faucets won't provide the warm water you need. Though water heaters are generally reliable, with relatively long lifespans, they may malfunction or break down with age. 


Water heater maintenance in Mankato, MN, will keep your water heater running efficiently. You'll have the hot water you rely on to keep your home cozy while ensuring your energy bills don't skyrocket. To find a 


trusted plumber in Mankato, MN, contact Babe Plumbing today.

Services We Offer:


Signs That Your Water Heater Needs Maintenance

Water heaters won't typically completely break all at once. Instead, they'll begin to malfunction and show signs of struggle. To avoid a significant breakdown, call for maintenance immediately if you notice any of the following symptoms:

Your water heats slowly or doesn't reach your desired temperature

Loud popping or cracking sounds coming from your water heater

Your water heater tank is leaking

You have rusty water


Causes of Water Heater Malfunctions

Water heaters malfunction for various reasons. When you receive Babe Plumbing's water heater maintenance in Mankato, MN, we'll let you know the cause and whether you require a new water heater. Some potential culprits include:

  • Installation Issues

    It's not uncommon for unreliable HVAC companies to install water heaters incorrectly. If your water heater experiences issues, it may need professional reinstallation. 

  • Rusting

    Your water heater contains a metal rod called the "anode rod" that runs through the middle of its tank. When the anode rod corrodes, it's unable to protect the tank from doing the same. Your water heater tank will then experience internal rusting, which may show up as brown or discolored water.

  • Excessive Water Pressure

    High water pressure may damage your water heater and cause leaking from the overflow pipe or drain valve.

  • Lack of Maintenance

    Water heaters have several parts that require servicing to operate correctly. If you don't keep up with your water heater maintenance, minor issues can build up and result in a total breakdown.

  • Age

    The typical water heater has a lifespan of 8-12 years. If your water heater has hit that age or beyond, it will likely require constant maintenance and repairs. Replacing an old water heater will ultimately be the cheapest and most straightforward option.

Keep Up with Water Heater Maintenance

Whether you have a gas water heater or an electric water heater, consistent maintenance is crucial. In general, yearly maintenance is enough to uphold your water heater's efficiency and extend its lifespan. If you keep your water heater at a high heat setting or have hard water, you may require maintenance twice a year.

Call Babe Plumbing Today

At Babe Plumbing, we want to ensure you and your family live in comfort. Don't let water heater issues build up until your showers and faucets run cold. Look for the common signs that a breakdown is looming and schedule water heater maintenance in Mankato, MN, before it's too late. 


From water heater repair to drain cleaning services, Babe Plumbing is your trusted company. Call today at 507-418-8387.

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